In 1949 Herbert and Eliza sailed to England to visit relatives and connect with the places where they lived in their youth. Herbert returned once more in 1958. His words written on the back of the photos are shown in quotations on the captions.
In the right place at the right time, Herbert captured the Royal Eagle paddling down the Thames. Read more about this historic ship here: http://www.wildfire3.com/royal-eagle.html
"Details of school life: St. Mark's School, weekly fee, except 1 and 2 all standards in one room, Headmaster Mr. Pittam, Laura Birch - when graduated from 8th standard started teaching first standard, Ms. Gilbert taught 4th st, possibly 200 students, All blackboards along the wall, Short summer vacation, All writing on slate - no paper-no text books, Standard 1 and 2 on first floor, Long black stockings, Short trousers sweater double peaked cap, Clothing well mended, Younger children wore clogs - wooden soles leather uppers held together by iron nails, square toes laced fronts." Herbert Fox.
Please click on the thumbnails to open the pictures in full.
From Derbyshire Archives, 2019: The milkman is outside what is now Bradwell ice cream shop. Behind the horse is the old Methodist Sunday School (latterly owned by Dorothy Fox’s [no relation] nephew Henry Walker) and then over the bridge is Brook Buildings (also owned by Dorothy Fox and inherited by Henry Walker). At one time Brook Buildings were a silk mill.
14 Fortescue Road was the home of T.A. Hull and family. I being the youngest, and we moved there from Hackney, East London in 1928. My parents were there for 40 years. Interesting point about No.14. It was of timber cladding and built with an expected life of ten years. It is still there and still in use!
Alan Hull, son of Thomas and Maude Hull
Entries from Eliza's Travel Log
Spent nearly two weeks with Dorothy Somerset in Sheffield saw several factory. Saw works Edgar Allen's, back to Aunt Delia for several days Aug 1st sport day at Bradwell parada.
Tuesday Aug 2nd Motored to London from Bradwell with Mr. and Mrs. Hartfield (?) although plenty from (farm?) roads good. Arrived at 14 Fortesque about 7:10. Wed Aug 3rd - went by tube to Charing Cross. Saw Thames, parlementary building badly bombed. visited Westminster Abbey, the unknown Solders grave and all the other notables. also 10 Downing st. back to no.14 for the evening.
Thursday Aug 4th with Maude on a long bus ride all through the busy streets such as Oxford st. Streets after streets of badly bombed places some have been restored. Went to see cousin Maria in her own home she is 84 and as lively as a cricket. Tom came for tea also Andrew Ford had a very plesant evening Tom playing and singing.
Saw Victoria park. August 5 the birthday of our second child. left home this morning by tube got off at Strand saw Trafalgar Square and the pigeons then in to Canada House to regestur, sat in reading room and read Ham. spec of July 21st. Saw Betty Ketchi (?) name.
Went around all the principle streets and now sitting Leicestre Square. Call on Cunard White Star and check on passage back. C38, 7127 - Aug 24 left London 11:45. Aug 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull - Middlesex, England.
Mrs. Andrew Ford - London, England.
Mrs. Maria Hull - London, England.
Miss Dorothy Somerset - Sheffield, England.
Mrs. Delia Bancroft - Nether Side, Bradwell, England.
Mr. and Mrs. G (?) A. Whyman (Betty Scott) - London, England.
Miss Ethel Parker - Lancashire.
Mrs. Shipley's cousin Mr. John Bennett - Enfield Middlesex.
Mrs. S (Sidebottom) sister Mrs. Fred and Evelyn Pearson - Ellesmere Port.
Mrs S (Sidebottom) brother Mr. Harry and Dorothy Bamford - Manchester.
Mr. and Mrs. Hague for Nether Water farm.
Mr. F.A.Webb - Yorkshire England.
Dear Friends,
At last I find time to write you a line of thanks for your pictures. They are very good. I hope you are both well, as we are at present. We are having really awful weather. Eastertide we had snow, hail and blow. The wind was terrific. I never knew it so bad here, before. At the present time, rain seems to be the main weather. My son and I went to Birkenhead, to Cammel Laird's Ship Yard, on the 3rd of May to see the hero "Ark Royal" launched by the "Queen." We had a splendid view and enjoyed every minute of it. We spent 3 days at Wallasey (near Brighton) with friends. So we had a complete change. Probably you heard it on the radio.
We are very busy trying to get the roots in, but the weather keeps holding us up. You might, perhaps, like to know we are sending 70 gallons of milk a day to the Dairys and we have one cow giving 9 gallons daily in fact, she gave 9.5 gallons per day this week. It is a great achievement for us because when we first came here, the neighbouring village farmers said we should never send even 20 or 30 gallons a day, but you see we have sent and are sending double that amount. So we are quite happy about it all. I guess we are doing our duty on the old Farmstead.
I am busy decorating the house, in between the rest of the jobs to be done. I have papered the small sitting room and it really does look good, of course it will not be for long, these old houses soon need doing again.
I hope I have not bored you with my chatter of the old place. It is just pouring with rain and the men will be in soon for lunch, so I really must close. Wishing you all the best. My husband and son send you their kind regards, so Cheerio for now.
From yours sincerely, Winnifred Hague.
Herbert's Return to England 1958

Having just returned from a very enjoyable and interesting visit of four months in England, and meeting fine people with a welcome throughout the entire trip, even passing customs was a pleasure. I was fortunate to have a cousin with free time, who was also a pleasant and co-operative companion, always willing to go places suggested by either her or me.
The first was a trip to Birmingham to a cousin to both of us, which was one of the highlights. He is an official of a large steel plant in Sheffield. We went on invitation from him and his wife, neither of whom I had previously met. They drove to the station for us and then to their home - a wonderful place with large grounds. They were very good hosts and insisted we stay a week during which time they took us to Stratford-on-Avon, where we saw the large theatre and fine river with dozens of beautiful swans. It was a grand sight and Stratford a fine city to visit. Later we went to Coventry. That had really been bombed, including a Cathedral - only some walls standing - no roof - grass and weeds growing through the floor. A new Church was being built close by at a cost of 12, 000,000 pounds, of which 2 million had already been raised. We met Canon Clitheroe*, a very amiable person who know Hamilton. When I told him where I came from, he said he had spent some time here, and was a visitor at the Tamahac Club near Ancaster. He had been on his way to British Columbia. His return was by a different route, therfore he had a good idea of the western provinces, with grain crops, oil and mineral developments, also the great expanse of Canada as a whole.
*Vicar Canon Clitheroe is renowned for saving his own church during England's bombing in WWII.
Later we were driven through a most beautiful part of the Midlands, a wide driveway about 10 miles long, with beautiful large trees and homes on both sides, giving a fine idea of prosperity and wealth. I do not know the name of this paradise, and did not know there was such a a place. The weather was perfect for the week, until we left for London.
The bus strike was settled, and transportation was good in any direction. Saw Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park corner, where you hear speakers of all nations. Very interesting. They can speak on politics, religions, wages, but no criticism of the Royal Family is allowed and plenty of police are there to see that law and order is obeyed. London is a good place to get lost. It is made up of a large number of small towns located all around the city, which later all became part of London. Growing in this way, the streets are out of line, which makes for confusion to strangers, but it is a most wonderful city.
We left London in a downpour - raining all the way to Chesterfield - and spent a few hours there. It is a very active city, large markets, bus terminal, large modern stores, and famous for its crooked church spire, easily seen from the train. While it is quite a landmark, they are now raising money to straighten the spire or rebuild it.
We went on to Sheffield and later visited a theatre built in the hills of Derbyshire, with lighting, stage setting, and seating all numbered for reservations with a capacity of 500. It is a great success. The talent is all local, so is the dialect, all in a rural setting. This hand-picked talent provided most interesting and comical entertainment. It was the most hilarious, enjoyable show ever, and worthy of an Oscar.
Later we made the rounds of a dozen or so villages, and hamlets by bus, on very good roads. We then made plans for a week in Blackpool - one of the highlights of the tour, and were fortunate to have two nice rooms in a beautiful home under a religious organization, near the promenade. We visited Fleetwood by bus, which is 15 miles distant from Blackpool, where there were fine stores, show, hotels and large residences, with illuminations which were out of this world. We had a grand time, which we will long remember.
We returned by bus to Manchester and train to Derbyshire, and bid each other farewell after this most enjoyable vacation. My cousin is a wonderful companion and a fine lady.
I went 75 miles by train to Liverpool, sailing for home on the Carinthia, arriving at Montreal 6 days later, and in Hamilton October 16, 11:30 a.m.
It was a very pleasant trip at all times.
Herbert Fox, October 29, 1958
Mollie Bancroft was ever keeping her doors open to family visiting from North America. In 1973, three of Herbert and Eliza's children made their way together by plane to visit their parents' England.