Although the Family Tree is simplified to the paternal Fox line, it is big! Click on the image below to open it in a second page where names can be amplified using the + button in the lower right corner.
Black lettering: Records from Family Documents
Red lettering: Records from Fox Family Bible
Green lettering: Records from the Hallam Family Tree website, cross-referenced with
Lettered Names: Notes are below
A. Thomas Fox - Elder of Smalldale: The title 'Elder' is used to distinguish himself from his son.
B. Samuel Fox - Owner of the family bible
Bible is bound together with the Book of Common Prayer.
Click on the thumbnail images below to open the photos in full size.
C. Samuel Fox Esquire - Patented the Paragon Umbrella Frame - Nephew of Samuel Fox Bible Owner
If you are a Canadian Fox descendant, and you were told your Great (x7) Uncle invented the modern day Umbrella, you might be interested to observe the connection more closely. He is a cousin 4 or 5 or 6 times removed, depending on your generation. To be duly noted: his friend and employee Joseph Hayward did the inventing of the modern steel frame while Samuel patented it for his business.
F. The Muskoka Cousins are related to Sam Fox Esq. on two sides through mother Emma Jane Fox and father Thomas Jeffery.
More about Samuel Fox Esq. here:
A Volume of Objects Devised by Man's Genius Which are the Measure of His Civilization
Second Edition, October 1957
Umbrellas (through the Italian from the Latin Umbra, shade) were by origin sunshades, rather than protections against rain. Coming form the East, they were private and perambulant oases of shade. In the East the sun annihilates, shade is a luxury, and rain a blessing.
In China umbrellas have been known from the twelfth century before Christ, and have been an attribute of dignity and high office. All over the East they have been and are associated with royalty. Nimrod rode to war beneath an umbrella; in Siam the total furniture of the royal audience-chamber was three umbrellas, while the monarch of Ava signed himself 'King of the White Elephants and Lord of the Twenty-Four Unbrella's. Imported to Europe, the sunshade retained its dignity to some extent as a rich ceremonial jewel in Venice and in Papal Rome, but it had also been used in classical Greece and Rome mainly and merely by women, and in Renaissance, Italy, for everyday wear, by horsemen. It did not divide into its dual role till the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The French distinguish exactly its two functions: parasol and parapluie. In more recent times the parasol has been appropriated by women, but the parapluie, anti-rain, may be worn without reserve by either sex.
The sunshade in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was ubiquitous: earlier it had been made generally of leather and had to be managed by a sturdy servant, but the introduction of whalebone for the ribs made it light enough to be handled personally by its owner. Silk was the most popular covering, in all the colours of the rainbow; being furled and unfurled, and twirled, the parasol blossomed through the summers to Edwardian days - and then, abruptly became obsolescent, a victim of the First World War, of streamlining, and of the revolutionary dogma that handsome people are slightly sunburnt. It still appears at Ascot, and on the beaches, but it is no longer a normal accessory of feminine dress.
The progress of the umbrella was more complicated. As with the sunshade, weight, to begin with, militated against it, and it was also considered effeminate, 'a screen commonly used by women to keep off rain' (1708). By the mid-eighteenth century it was becoming popular in France, but it had to fight all the way against snobbism: 'An umbrella is a sure sign that one possesses no carriage' (1768). Jonas Hanway (1712 - 1788), London merchant and philanthropist was the first Englishman to carry one, about 1750: He caused some uproar and his example did not catch. The honour of popularizing the umbrella in England is claimed by John Macdonald, or 'Beau Macdonald', a much-travelled gentleman's gentleman, who wore a fine silk umbrella in London in 1778: he, too, aroused the popular fury, particularly from coachmen and chair-men, and his sister refused to be seen with him. He persisted, and in a year or so, the umbrella was a commonplace, spreading more slowly through the countryside. Jonathan Couch of Polperro in Cornwall recorded the astonishment of the natives about 1800 when the financier of the smuggling interests in that Cornish village paraded the streets with a red umbrella sent him as a present from the brandy shippers of Roscoff in Brittany. Patents from improving the umbrella now followed fast: between 1806 and 1826, the frame was reduced from 10 pounds in weight to one and a half; metal displaced whalebone, alpaca came in, and then, about 1850 Samuel Fox, inspired by the Great Tubular Bridge at the Menai Straits, conceived the Paragon frame with ribs of U-shaped steel that gave to maximum lightness a maximum strength; and to Fox, some three hundred thousand pounds profit.
The subsequent history of the umbrella has been funereal, staid and black. Its first historian, Sangster, described those who wore it in 1855 - 'Such men', he said 'we feel certain at the first glance, are not addicted to dissipation, nor do they yield to the seductions of the Casino: they are essentially family men...' Perhaps now dons and undergraduates are the true doyens of the gamp, leaving specimens copiously in railway-racks, lecture-rooms and damply in oak halls.
D. John Fox - 1826, Bradwell - 1895 Netherside, Bradwell 1841 England Census for John Fox
Married to Rebecca Bradwell (August 19, 1832 - March 7, 1868) at the Parish Church in the Parish of Hope on December 13, 1852. John and Rebecca lived on Netherside - a street that runs through the centre of Bradwell where Rebecca had lived with her family before marriage. That house is the same establishment his daughter Delia bought after her mother's death (re: Jemima's letter dated January 1st 1901 on the Correspondence Page). It's also where Herbert and Eliza stayed on their visit in 1949 - see entry J. below for more details of the house. John worked as a Lead Miner had seven children with Rebecca. 1851 England Census for Rebecca Bradwell / Derbyshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932 for John Fox
Rebecca's father, George Bradwell, was a Farmer turned Innkeeper who ran the Newburgh Arms on Netherside, after he died it was managed by his two sons in succession. An excerpt from Bradwell News, Issue 224:
According to BAM page 75 the Kenyon family built the Newburgh Arms and it is recorded as an inn in Pigot's Directory for 1821. By 1835 the licence was held by George Bradwell who appears in the 1841 census but no occupation is given and his address is 'Town Street'. George remained as the licensee until 1866 when George Jnr. took over, followed by John and Mary Bradwell in 1882. This family was reputed to have been wheelwrights and carriers. In 1889 Abraham Wilson Needham became landlord and stayed there until 1897, when ill health seems to have caught up with him and it is recorded, in red ink, in the Petty Sessions records that when he was found unconscious in the bar he was not drunk. Poor chap, he must have taken a lot of stick over that.
February 2021, page 3.
Will outline of Rebecca's father, George Bradwell. Reprinted with permission from Marjorie Ward of Rootsweb Genealogy
Will of 1870 George BRADWELL of Bradwell mentions:
Sons George; John; Josiah; Edwin; Horatio
Daughters Hannah wife of William NEEDHAM; Rebecca wife of John FOX
Deceased dau Jemima LONGDEN`s three children, namely John Henry, Hannah Maria, Eliza Ann.
Witnesses: George JEPSON; Thomas JACKSON Will made 1867
John Fox and his son George Fox (entry H. below) include news of the Bradwell family, the Newburgh Arms and Abraham Needham in their letters to Isaac Arthur in Canada:
John Bradwell, Newburgh Arms, was taken ill & died very sudden & M. Hall has been at Hassop over taking it & everybody is crying shame over him. Father went & saw Taylor for himself & I am the next of list when Mrs. Bradwell leaves....The Bradwell people back me hand & heart. They all call M. Hall a rogue. We are pulled out-of-doors with work.
George Fox, August 1888, Correspondence Page
Mrs. Bradwell at the Newbridge Inn has married Abraham Needham of Newwall Nook, therefore the house your grandfather built at the cost of £600.0.0 is now lost to the family.
John Fox, Bradwell, October 29, 1893
After Rebecca passed away in 1868, John married his second wife in 1871 - widow Priscilla Ann (Bennett) Howe (January 1840 - April 20, 1900), and had one more child - their daughter Delia. Priscilla brought to the Fox household a daughter from her first marriage called Elizabeth Howe. Elizabeth married Eligah Middleton in 1888; they too had a daughter, also called Delia. 1841 England Census for Priscilla Bennet / 1891 England Census for Delia Middleton
John traded his occupation of lead mining for both farming and operating an Omnibus with the help of his son, George. The horse-powered bus carried passengers to Sheffield on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (
The rest of the time, John and Priscilla (continuing alone until her death in 1900) ran a Grocery store in Bradwell; John mentions supplying the store's inventory with his own crops in his letter to Isaac Arthur:
Arthur Fox, North Barton Hamilton, On Canada
Bradwell October 29th, 1893
Dear Arthur,
In regards to the first part of your letter, the least I say upon that subject the better, I think. I was glad to here from you, though it is the first epistle I have received from you since leaving England, which I suppose will be about seven years. I am happy to say we are all very well in health also much pleased to hear that you are well satisfied with your Change.
Emma Jane lives at Bradwell, has two Girls and one Boy. Hannah lives Sheffield, one Girl. Elizabeth lives at Bradwell, one Girl, Jemima not married, living near Cheedle in Cheshire. I am very pleased to here of you doing well. I can only say of my self that it is the reverse of that, though now I hope and think there will be some improvement.
It is no new experience to either of us where we have Cattle for them to be ailing in some way or other, therefore this is the terms upon which we have any kind of live stock, but I have no Cattle of any kind as I am badly qualified to look after them. I have my own land and two fields at Eccles belonging to the [Uniterians ?], four acres. I grow Potatoes and Corn for meal, which we sell in the shop. On Sept the 10th we got the first load of Coal from the new Station (illegible) at the Laneside near Brough. To day Coal in Bradwell is £1.4.0 per ton. The mining industry has [illegible] the population has decreased to under one thousand from 1500 and last Saturday the drink shops had to close at 10 o’clock. We have a many visitors to Bradwell in this summer but of the poorer stamp.
I saw M. Wragg of Netherwater the other week, he asked me about you. They have had no tidings of you for a long time. They are all well, I believe, but their farming is a very lean business.
Little Hucklow is nearly as deserted. More than one half of the homes are uninhabited and falling into ruin and a colony of Pot and Basket Hawkers has settled in the place. Ben Wragg of Quarters was compelled to leave his farm, Nesfield sold him up. He went to live with his sister at Chesterfield but died in a few days, heart broken. Abraham Rowath lives at the place. Tom Fox lives at the Hall farm, repaired the House, put a new slate roof upon it. Albert Fox lives at Joseph-place, not married, also he has John Halls farm, he is dead & wife. The Weslans [Weslyans] has repaired their Chapel at a cost of £1230.0.0, made it very nice with portico in front the Board School has been condemned, and the Board are, in every probability, will build a new one on the netherside cost £600.0.0. Charles Revil died on Thursday, after a long illness, last of family. Julia Oldfield is dead, oldest daughter of Isaac Somerset. Also her sister, Mrs. Bradwell at the Newbridge Inn has married Abraham Needham of Newwall Nook, therefore the house your grandfather built at the cost of £600.0.0 is now lost to the family. Isaac Eyre of Sheffield married Elizabeth Colleral [?], lived at Bradwell when the said Eyre was Policeman at Bradwell. He died very suddenly, he was Executor to M. E[illegible] Rachel Bradwell’s Husband. Sister to Eyre, wife M. E[illegible] & daughter had £1000.0.0 left in the burrow. There is nothing left, mother & daughter, are thrown into poverty as his liabilities are £3000.0.0 or over. Some say he poisoned himself.
Some time since we received a photo of your self, wife and children. Elizabeth appears to be getting stout and the Children as you say are all grown and look well. We had George here two weeks back, his wife being at Hathersage. (Wakes ?) we join in love and best wishes to you all.
I remain yours, ever the same, Your Father, John Fox
Printed with permission courtesy of Maggie Fox.

E. Isaac Arthur Fox (Bradwell, Derbyshire October 29 1854 - Dunnville, Ontario Jan 4, 1931) 1861 England Census for Isaac Arthur Fox / Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 for Isaac Arthur Fox
Married Elizabeth Jane Barnsley of Nether Water Farm and moved to Canada in 1887 to raise 10* children. See Herbert Fox Parents and Siblings Page for more details.
Letters between Isaac and his siblings living in Britain can be read on the Correspondence Page, and from his father John (see entry D. above).
Letters from Elizabeth Jane's sister, Hannah Wragg, can be read at the bottom of the Fox Ancestry Page.
*DNA analysis of second and third cousins who have found each other through Ancestry DNA concludes that Isaac Arthur is linked to children who were unaware of their Fox lineage. One child belongs to Isaac's sister-in-law, Hannah Wragg (explained at the bottom of the Fox Ancestry page). The second is a grandson to Isaac, born in Aylmer, Ontario, west of Dunnville, in 1915, who was raised in a children's care home and fostered out. The biological parents of this grandson remain unknown.
F. Emma Jane Fox, also known as Aunt Jennie (January 10, 1858 - January 29, 1940) 1861 England Census for Emma J Fox / Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 for Emma Jane Jeffery
Married Thomas Jeffery April 1863 - May 26, 1933 and had six children before moving to Canada. See the Muskoka Cousins Page for more details. 1891 England Census for Thomas Jeffrey / Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 for Thomas Jeffery
G. Jemima Fox (July 1862 - December 23, 1920) 1871 England Census for Jemima A Fox / England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Jemima Ann Fox
Jemima worked as a nurse on the Imbecile Ward at Fir Vale Union in Sheffield. Her tough-nut / can-do resilience served her well, as evidenced from one of her letters:
"You see the hours is rather long on duty. Of course it is a very large place and plenty of fresh air but we do get the smells from the wards from different cases. You see we have the lowest of the low come in to be nursed, sometimes we get them filthy creeping all over. How would you like that work to clean them? We had a case of (illegible - new mom?) a young woman and she died before we could get her from the cab to the sick ward and she was covered with filth and vermin bites all over her. So you see nursing is not all sweet milk when you have to stand and see a arm or leg taken off and hold the same. It tries your nerves and strength to the utmost but still it is a good work and you can do a great deal of good in the life of a nurse, so it repays you for what you go through while training." Jemima Fox, June 23, 1901
Jemima's devotion to her family was strong, as was her opinionated correspondence to her brother Isaac that shoots straight from the hip with her regard for her step-mother and half-sister. For more on Fir Vale Union:
H. George Fox (July 1865 - June 30, 1928) 1871 England Census for George Fox
Worked as an omnibus driver (horse and carriage) and later a pork butcher/bacon roller in Manchester. He and sister Hannah's husband took charge of the legalities of the family inheritances.
Married Florence Hall (Jan 1868 - April 1895) on June 24, 1891 and had two sons, John Reginald (July 4, 1892 - Feb. 14 1924), and Arthur Harold (October, 1894 - November 1895).
Florence passed away after their 2nd child was born. George married again to Evelyn Lees and had two more children, Robert and Evelyn. By 1911 George and his new family were living in John Lees' house (father-in-law) in Harpurhey, Manchester.
1891 England Census for Florence Hall / Manchester, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1915 for Florence Fox /Arthur Harold Fox in the England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 / 1911 England Census for Evelyn Fox / 1911 England Census for George Fox
George's eldest son, John Reginald, immigrated to North America and lived in New York with his wife and maintained close contact to his cousins in Hamilton and Muskoka. He became severely ill, moved to Toronto and passed away in the Toronto Hospital for the consumptives on February 14, 1924. Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 for John Reginald Fox

c/o Mrs. Bond, 124 Medland St, West Toronto
Dear Cousin Herbert,
I rec'd your very welcome letter & thank you very much for same. although they are busy making shells at the shop I am not doing much myself & if I get a chance will be very pleased to come up and see you.
I rec'd a letter from Torrance, Muskoka yesterday. Cousin Florrie & her baby are there, from Winnipeg to spend 2 or 3 months.
I have not had any letter from the Old Country for several weeks now but am expecting to hear from someone pretty soon.
When I was up (at) Muskoka I saw the picture of Cousin Maude with her husband. She certainly has changed from when I saw her last, about 5 years ago.
I hope Mrs. Fox & the children are keeping well, also yourself & will close now, hoping to hear from you soon, with best wishes.
I am Your affectionate cousin, John R. Fox
I. Hannah Rebecca Fox (March 1, 1868 - July 14 1946) 1871 England Census for Hannah R Fox / England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Hannah Rebecca Somerset
Married Jabez Birley Somerset (Feb 26, 1864 - Sept. 21 1945) and lived in Sheffield with their two children, Dorothy (May 21, 1893- October 29, 1965) an elementary school teacher, pictured below, and Birley (June 7 1898 - June 1977), a Steelworks representative.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Jabez Birley Somerset / 1901 England Census for Dorothy Somerset / England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Dorothy Somerset /1901 England Census for Birley Somerset / England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007 for Birley Somerset
Hannah continued to write to her nephew Herbert in Hamilton after his father passed away. Dorothy and Birley also remained in contact with Herbert's children through letters. It was Birley who passed on a sampler to Canada that was cross-stitched by his great aunt Ann. The tapestry has since returned to England.

J. Delia Fox (October 15, 1871 - July 6, 1952) 1891 England Census for Delia Fox / England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Delia Bancroft

As a youth, Delia worked with her parents John and Priscilla Fox in their general store in Bradwell. Delia married Charlie Alfred Bancroft (April 1872 - June 8, 1939), a stone mason who became physically debilitated for the last 20 years of his life. They had two girls, Mollie /Mary (Mary Ann Middleton: April 26, 1897 - Sept. 30, 1980) and Maude who died in infancy in 1898.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Charles Alfred Bancroft /1901 England Census for Mary A Bancroft /England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995 for Mary Ann Middleton Bancroft /England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915 for Maude Bancroft
Nether Side, Bradwell, Sheffield
Dec. 10, 1951
Dear Lyda & Herbert,
We have received your handsome x-mas parcel, the ham looks a real beauty, we will send you word how it tastes. We have not received any letter yet from you but are expecting one any day. We enjoyed the paper cuttings very much. We think you did your duty by the Royalities, did you get a good view?
We are sending you a Calendar & hope that you will recall some of the places which we visited together. Mollie and I went to Castleton on Saturday last to Charlie's nephew who was getting married. The organist (was of the) Wakes. There were 80 guests and we had a slap up breakfast, all we wished for and plenty of rain outside. They had some very handsome presents, over 100. They are gone to London for the honeymoon. Mollie and I had nothing new as I had not been well enough to get to town, so Mollie went in what had been your Dorothy's hat and dress and her light coat. I went just in the usual and a lady came to me and said 'Oh, you've got your blue dress, yet I had only been saying I would ask you to give it me'. She had always envied me of it.
The Bride was in White Brocade with veil. The Bridesmaids were in light blue Brocade with navy blue velvet Boleros, caps and muffs. Their flowers were pink carnations. The Bride had a beautiful bouquet of red roses.
We have had snow today for the first time and it is very keen and frosty tonight. At the WS they are having a demonstration of cake icing this week, and next, so Mollie is waiting till then before icing ours. I think I am mending very slowly. I am now under the Dr again, he seems to be taking more interest in me than ever before. He says I am full of poison, it seems as it gathers together and then I am very poorly, but we thin the rounds don't last quite as long.
Wishing you all a Happy and Merry x-mas, also a joyous New Year to you all. Thanking you for your good gifts which we shall find very useful. We are being dropped down in quantity and up in price very fast. I wish (fed?) Churchill was in Heaven. (!) There are no extras for x-mas. I can't tell you how welcome the tea and sugar is to us. Wish best love to you all. Mollie says she will send an answer to your letter when it comes.
Your loving Auntie Delia and cousin M. Bancroft
Delia's daughter Mollie was a dressmaker by trade and developed other talents in her spare time - painting, knitting, basketmaking. She put her skills to use giving donations of sewn clothing, knit socks, handmade lampshades to citizens still suffering shortages after the war. Having never married, Mollie filled her letters to her Canadian cousins with details of her trips to Ireland, Scotland and France, her activities as the vice president for the local Women's Institute, and keeping company at Christmas with Neville, her bachelor cousin. In her later years the tone of her letters become lonely and she requested to have more frequent correspondence, always reflecting with pleasure the trips her cousins Herbert Fox and Hannah (Jeffery) Willison paid to her from Canada. Mollie explained the history of the Fox Family house on Netherside:
I and my mother were born in the cottage where I now live... before the wall was built it was an open yard & the cottages were all one house when the (Fox) family were at home. My father bought them from Grandfather (John) Fox... it's date when it was visible was 1658 & it has walls 24 inches thick, built of Derbyshire Limestone.
Mollie Fox, from letters written December 17, 1966 and January 30, 1972